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The Effect of Stage of Lactation and Parturition on Galectin Expression in Cow Blood
In first lactation cows, Galectin 1 was turned off after parturition. Galectin 2 was absent in both close up and c+7 cows. Galectins 3 and 7 were present in both close-up and c+7 cows but levels did not change after parturition (Fold change< 2). Galectin 4 was present before parturition but absent a week after parturition, Galectin 9 expression increased after parturition (fold change =2). Galectin 12 was turned off after parturition. In 2nd lactation, cows, Galectin 1 was turned off after parturition, and Galectins 2, 3 ,7 and 9 increased in transcription after parturition (fold change >2). Galectins 1,4,8 and 12 were present before and after parturition but their fold changes were not significant. In 3rdlactation cows, all 8 galectins except for galectin 8 were detected in both close ups and c+7 cows. Expression levels for these galectin genes did not change (fold change<2).
All genes tested were expressed in cow blood at varying levels. It is clear from this study that galectin gene expression is affected by stage of lactation and parturition. Further studies are needed to determine the factors that contribute to the different galectin expressions in cow blood during the periparturient period.