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Effects of Rumen Protected-Histidine Supplementation Dose on Finishing Beef Cattle.
HIS supplementation increased ADG during d 1-21 (DH P= 0.07), 42-60 (DL & DH P= 0.07), and the final 50 d (DH P= 0.07) of feeding. Supplementation with HIS also increased the lightness (DL GM: P= 0.05), degree of yellow hue (DL & DH LL: P= 0.01), oxygenated lean color (DL GM: P= 0.004), uniformity (DH GM: P= 0.03; DH LL: P= 0.06) and overall color stability of the product from days 3-9 of retail display. The % surface discoloration (DL & DH GM: P=0.04; DL & DH LL: P<0.0001), degree of browning (DL & DH GM: P=0.002; DL & DH LL: P<0.0001), and discoloration (DL & DH GM: P= 0.01; DH LL: P= 0.05) of the product was decreased. The DL GM steaks were juicier (P= 0.07), more acceptable (P= 0.05), and more satisfying (P= 0.01) than control. Seventy-seven percent of panelists would purchase the DL GM product (control: 61%, DH: 60%). In conclusion, 55 d of RP-histidine treatment positively impacts consumer perception and may optimize product quality and marketability in beef cattle.