Amino acid digestibility in oilseed meals fed to growing pigs

Monday, July 21, 2014
Exhibit Hall AB (Kansas City Convention Center)
Chan S Park , Konkuk University, Seoul, South Korea
Ah R Son , Konkuk University, Seoul, South Korea
Beob G Kim , Konkuk University, Seoul, South Korea
Abstract Text: An accurate determination of the standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of AA is important for swine diet formulation, especially in protein supplements. The objective of this experiment was to determine the SID of AA in 11 sources of oilseed meals fed to growing pigs. The oilseed meals used in this study were sesame meal (SM, 50.0% CP), 2 sources of soybean meal (SBM) produced in Korea (SBM-K1, 47.4% CP; SBM-K2, 47.1% CP), SBM produced in India (SBM-I, 39.6% CP), high-protein distillers dried grains (HPDDG, 38% CP), perilla meal (PM, 43.2% CP), canola meal (CNM, 37.5% CP), copra meal (CM, 21.7% CP), corn germ meal (CGM, 21.4% CP), palm kernel expeller (PKE, 15.3% CP), and tapioca distillers dried grains (TDDG, 18.4% CP). Experimental diets were prepared to contain each ingredient as a sole source of AA and an N-free diet was also prepared to estimate the basal endogenous losses of AA. Twelve barrows with an initial BW of 29.0 ± 3.0 kg were surgically fitted with a T-cannula at the distal ileum and were allotted to a 12 × 9 incomplete Latin square design with 12 diets and 9 periods. Following the 5-d adaptation period, ileal digesta were collected for 8 h on d 6 and 7. Values for the SID of Lys in SM, SBM-K1, SBM-K2, SBM-I, HPDDG, PM, CNM, CM, CGM, PKE, and TDDG were 16.6, 81.2, 86.9, 85.3, 66.1, 32.5, 61.6, 21.4, 51.8, 46.0, and 43.3, respectively (SEM = 4.8, P < 0.01). Values for the SID of Met in SM, SBM-K1, SBM-K2, SBM-I, HPDDG, PM, CNM, CM, CGM, PKE, and TDDG were 64.6, 91.5, 87.9, 85.8, 91.5, 38.3, 76.6, 55.2, 73.4, 67.4, and 20.8, respectively (SEM = 5.5, P < 0.01). In conclusion, values for the SID of most AA in SBM-K1, SBM-K2, SBM-I, HPDDG, and CNM were greater than those in SM, PM, CM, and TDDG.

Keywords: Feedstuffs, Protein supplements, Swine