Clinton R. Krehbiel

Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK

75 Effect of trace mineral supplementation on clinical signs, immune response variables, and mineral balance of calves following exposure to bovine viral diarrhea virus and subsequent Mannheima haemolytica infection 138 Effect of growth rate and placement weight of stocker-feeder cattle on subsequent finishing performance and carcass characteristics: a meta-analysis 566 Effects of technology use in feedlot production systems on feedlot performance and carcass characteristics 567 The effects of technology use in feedlot production systems on the health status of finishing steers 569 The effects of technology use in feedlot production systems on cattle behavior and mobility 709 Effect of dietary starch at similar energy intake during backgrounding on subsequent finishing performance and carcass characteristics in beef cattle: a meta-analysis 898 Cattle requiring multiple treatments for bovine respiratory disease exhibit decreased capacity to protect against histone cytotoxicity 903 The effects of stage of production and implant exposure on feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, and relative mRNA gene expression 1500 The effects of technology use in feedlot production systems on the heat stress and blood metabolites of finishing steers 1501 The effects of technology use in feedlot production systems on feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, and feeding behaviors of crossbred beef steers 1891 Individual and additive value of conventional and non-conventional technologies in beef steers housed and fed using a GrowSafeŽ feeding system