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Intrinsic and Extrinsic factors affecting milk yield and composition of Camel milk in Northern Eritrea
Although camel milk contributes rich dietary components to the people living in Eritrean lowlands, factors affecting its average daily yield and composition have not yet been studied. Hence, the objective of our study was to investigate effects of Extrinsic factors (season) and intrinsic factors (stage of lactation and parity) on milk yield and its composition in camels kept under traditional management conditions in northern semi arid areas of Eritrea. We collected 300 random milk samples from January to October in 2013, 30 samples each month. The analysis of milk composition was done using lacto scan milk analyzer, an automated Milk Analyzer system, and the obtained data were analyzed using general linear model on SPSS 18 software. The average daily yield of milk and compositions of fats, protein and lactose were 3.78 liters, 2.43%, 2.71%, 4.8%, respectively. Stage of lactation, parity and season of the year significantly influenced (P<0.05) daily milk yield, and composition of fats, and protein. The percentage composition of lactose remained unaffected by any variables considered. The highest average daily milk yield was recorded at 2nd month of lactation (4.04 ±0.10 liters), whereas the least was after 8 months of lactation. The daily milk yield was significantly higher at 3rd month. The percentage compositions of fat and protein were also at their peak during the first 3 months of lactation period (3.21±0.14 and 2.76±0.11, respectively). Similarly, the highest average daily milk yield and percentage composition of protein, fat and dry matter were recorded from camels of 3rdparity (4.43±0.2 liters, 5.11±0.51, and 3.19±0.22, respectively). This study revealed that camels are reliable source of milk with persistent yield and composition throughout most of the periods of lactation. Effective herd management, proper selection and culling and provision of supplemental feeds during the dry seasons may contribute to high quality camel milk in the region.
Keywords: Camel, Eritrea, milk composition, milk yield, extrinsic and intrinsic factors