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Effect of methionine sources and graded levels of sulfur amino acids on the growth performance of post-weaning piglets
The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the effects of graded levels of sulfur amino acids (SAA) in the diet of weaned piglets, and to compare the effects of the source of added free-methionine (Met). The experiment was set up according to a 2×4 factorial arrangement, with two Met sources (DL-2-hydroxy-4(methylthio) butanoic acid, HMTBa; Novus Europe SA/NV, Belgium vs. DL-methionine, DL-Met; Adisseo, France) and four graded levels (-6, 0, +6, +12% of the requirement) of Met. All the diets were formulated to meet 2008 CVB requirements for weaning piglets for energy (NE 9.37 MJ/ kg) and slightly limiting in standardized ileal digestible (SID) Lys (11 g SID Lys/kg). The basal diet (0%) was formulated at 0.6 SID SAA/SID Lys, and the different levels were obtained by the inclusion of the Met source on molar content of HMTBa compared to DL-Met in the commercial products. In total 480 piglets (Tempo × Topigs 20, Topigs Norsvin; boars and gilts) with an average BW of 7.35 ± 0.70 kg and an average age of 26 ± 1 d old entered the trial at the day of weaning. The piglets received a standard diet during the first 7 d. The experimental diets were fed ad libitum from d 7 post-weaning during 4 weeks. Body weights (BW) were measured at weaning, on 7, 21, and 35 d post-weaning, and ADG, ADFI, and FCR were calculated accordingly. Data were analysed as a 2×4 factorial arrangement in a randomised block design by analysis of variance (ANOVA), using GenStat® for Windows (17th edition). During d 7-21 of the trial, neither ADG nor ADFI were affected by the treatment. During d 21-35 of the trial, and overall (7-35 d), piglets supplemented with HMTBa showed a greater ADFI (P=0.046), ADG (P=0.037), and final BW (P=0.043) with no effect of level nor interaction. In conclusion, there was no effect of level of Met or SAA on growth performance suggesting that SID Met and SID SAA were above the piglets’ requirements. Piglets supplemented with HMTBa showed greater feed intake and subsequent growth than piglets receiving diets containing DL-Met.
Keywords: Methionine, piglets