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Understanding host-microbiota interplay using nutrimetabonomics
Gut microbiota are now recognized as fundamental partners of the host’s health. Normally, the host-microbiota symbiosis results in a healthy metabolic phenotype. But as the environment changes, our metabolism adapts to maintain homeostasis within an optimal metabolic space, and so do our microbiota. So how does this interplay result in an optimal metabolic state? And how can this be measured? Nutrimetabonomics is a useful tool to assess the metabolic state of the host in response to environmental perturbations. Here, we will illustrate how it was used to gain new understanding of the metabolic disruptions triggered by Brachyspira pilosicoli-induced spirochaetosis, a common condition in poultry farms. We will discuss how a better knowledge of the host metabolic response to the pathogen, and to the antibiotic treatment, can help design new therapeutic alternatives to antibiotics.
Keywords: Gut microbiota, Nutrimetabonomics, Host-pathogen interaction