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Bridging the gaps
The animal science community is constantly changing to meet the needs of the consumer. The same is true for animal science departments striving to meet the three pronged goals of land grant universities. The landscape of research in animal science is always evolving as our knowledge of basic science expands. The competitiveness of research funding is higher than ever, and this puts increased pressure on the researchers vying for these funds. In addition to this, the generation gap between the average consumer and production agriculture is increasing, making extension education as important as ever. These challenges are making split appointment positions within academia harder to accomplish, as the education of students taking animal science classes is still a major focus. This environment has opened up the opportunity for individuals with a completed master’s degree to become instructors. Having a 100 percent teaching appointment allows these lecturers the unique opportunity to focus all of their attention on bridging the gap between a research mindset and production animal science within the classroom. Thus, opening up time and opportunity for research and extension faculty.
Keywords: lecturer, classroom, teaching