Effects of diet form and distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and visceral weights of growing-finishing pigs
Objectives were to determine growth performance, carcass characteristics, and visceral weights of barrows and gilts fed a pelleted or mash diet, without or with 30% DDGS. A total of 192 pigs were used in 2 blocks, each block consisted of 96 pigs. Pigs were randomly allotted to 1 of 4 dietary treatments, with 12 replicate pens per diet and 2 barrows and 2 gilts per pen. Data were analyzed as a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement with main effects of diet form (pellet or mash) and DDGS inclusion (0 or 30%) in a randomized complete block design. Pellet-fed pigs were heavier (114.34 kg vs. 111.40 kg; P < 0.01) and gained 0.03 kg/day more BW (P = 0.001) than mash-fed pigs after a 91 d feeding period. Pigs fed a mash diet with DDGS were 2.72% less efficient (P < 0.03) than pigs fed a mash diet with no DDGS, efficiency differences were not present when diets were pelleted (P > 0.42). Feed intake did not differ among treatment groups, but mash-fed pigs with DDGS consumed at least 0.81 kg/d more (P < 0.05) feed than pigs fed all other diets (interaction P < 0.01). There were no differences (P = 0.41) in intestinal mass as a percentage of BW between pelleted and mash-fed pigs. Pelleted-fed pigs had 0.92 kg less (P < 0.001) gut-fill than mash-fed pigs. The difference in gut fill can be attributed to pelleted-fed pigs losing 1.54 percentage units more (P = 0.02) BW during lairage than mash-fed pigs. Pelleted-fed pigs produced carcasses that were 2.5 kg heavier (P < 0.001) and 1.6 mm fatter (P < 0.001) at the 10th rib than mash-fed pigs. There were no differences (P = 0.84) in LEA between pelleted and mash-fed pigs. Therefore, pelleted-fed pigs had estimated carcass lean values that were 1.79 percentage units less (P = 0.04) than mash-fed pigs. Inclusion of DDGS increased (P < 0.01) intestinal mass and gut fill (P < 0.01), and decreased (P = 0.01) HCW by 2.11 kg and dressing percentage (P <0.001) by 0.66 percentage units, regardless of diet form. There were no differences in fresh loin color, marbling, firmness, ultimate pH, or drip loss among any dietary treatments (P > 0.15). Overall, pelleted-fed pigs grew faster, were more efficient, and were heavier than mash-fed pigs. There were no differences, in meat quality between pellet-fed pigs and mash-fed pigs.
Keywords: growth, pelleting, pig, pork, viscera