Concentration of nutrients and predicted concentration of swine ME among types and sources of animal protein by-products
Rendered animal by-products can be a source of energy and nutrients in swine diets, but utilization is limited due to variable composition among products and sources. Prediction equations for energy and nutrient concentration can be used to help manage variability, but robust data sets are required to avoid biases. Therefore, the objective of this experiment was to construct a robust data set (%, as is) of DM, CP, ether extract (EE), ash, Ca, and P as well as GE content among sources of blood meal (BM), chicken by-product (CBP), chicken meal (CM), feather meal (FM), meat and bone meal (MB), meat meal (MM), poultry by-product (PB), and poultry meal (PM). Animal by-products (n = 196) were collected across multiple suppliers, states, product types, and plants over 2 years. The greatest variability (CV) was observed for Ca (65%) and P (59%) content, which is explained by variability in ash (55%) content. The second most variable nutrient was EE (44%), which ranged from 1.5% in BM to 14.5% in MM. Concentration of ME (kcal/kg DM) was predicted using chemical composition of nutrients and varied (1,888 to 3,760 kcal/kg DM) depending on product and equation that was utilized. This data set includes the majority of animal protein by-products available in North America and suggests that large variability in ME content can be managed by utilizing prediction equations, but these equations need to be validated.
Average concentration of nutrients (%, as is) and predicted concentration of GE and ME1,2(kcal/kg DM) for growing pigs among sources of animal protein by-products
Product |
CP |
EE |
Ash |
Ca |
P |
GE |
ME1 |
ME2 |
BM |
89.2 |
1.77 |
2.95 |
0.36 |
0.34 |
5267 |
2,920 |
3,173 |
65.7 |
14.24 |
13.05 |
3.43 |
2.06 |
5133 |
3,760 |
2,521 |
CM |
65.5 |
12.73 |
18.00 |
5.89 |
3.23 |
4880 |
3,584 |
2,141 |
FM |
84.8 |
6.05 |
2.33 |
0.48 |
0.27 |
5410 |
2,974 |
3,177 |
MB |
53.8 |
11.42 |
27.30 |
9.02 |
4.31 |
4187 |
3,240 |
1,888 |
MM |
55.1 |
14.52 |
24.17 |
7.79 |
3.82 |
4537 |
3,391 |
1,922 |
PB |
61.2 |
12.53 |
22.66 |
7.35 |
3.60 |
4566 |
3,142 |
1,893 |
PM |
65.5 |
12.91 |
17.15 |
5.04 |
2.77 |
4945 |
3,515 |
2,204 |
Overall |
65.8 |
10.05 |
17.73 |
5.59 |
2.79 |
4713 |
3,238 |
2,327 |
1ME = 6,982 + (0.283 × GE, kcal/kg) - (6.26 × CP, g/kg) - (3.75 × EE, g/kg) + (129.47 × P, g/kg) - (54.91 × Ca, g/kg) - (6.57 × ash, g/kg).
2ME = 13,587 - (1.25 × GE, kcal/kg) - (3.51 × CP, g/kg) + (3.51 × P, g/kg) - (16.4 × ash, g/kg).
Keywords: Animal by-products, energy, swine