Effectiveness of flavor enhancers in reduced sodium natural deli-style turkey breast
The objective of this study was to determine the quality, textural and sensory effects of natural flavor enhancers on reduced sodium natural deli-style turkey breast when compared to a full sodium, traditionally produced product. Chunked and formed turkey breast rolls (25% extended) were manufactured using four treatment formulations. 1) Reduced sodium natural deli style turkey breast (NTB) containing 1.5% salt, 1% sugar and 0.5% dehydrated high protein turkey stock. 2) NTB plus 0.1% dehydrated yeast extract (NTB+YE) and 3) NTB plus 0.1% dehydrated turkey broth (NTB+TB),and 4) full sodium control containing 2% salt, 1% sugar, and 0.5% sodium phosphate. Turkey rolls were cooked to an internal temperature of 71°C, stabilized overnight at 1°C and sliced. Samples were evaluated for texture profile analysis (TPA), consumer sensory evaluation, cook yield, slice yield, slice foldability, slice peelability, salt, pH, and objective color (L*, a*, b*). For TPA, the control had higher scores for gumminess, cohesiveness, springiness, and chewiness compared to all treatments (p < 0.0001), while there was no difference among the reduced sodium treatments. All treatments had similar hardness. During sensory evaluation, the NTB treatments were found to be softer than the control (p < 0.0001). The control was juicier (p < 0.0001) and had the greatest turkey flavor (p = 0.0035), salt flavor (p < 0.0001), flavor acceptability (p < 0.0001), texture acceptability (p < 0.0001), and overall acceptability (p < 0.0001). NTB+YE was found to be juicier than NTB (p = 0.034). There was no difference among any of the treatments for chewing texture or off-flavor. The control had a greater cook yield than all treatments (p < 0.0001). The control also had lower L* values than all treatments (p = 0.0131) while there was no difference in a* or b*. The control also had the highest peelability score (p < 0.0001) while NTB was higher than NTB+YE (p = 0.0424). There were no differences among treatments for number of slice yield or foldability. The control had greater salt concentration (p < 0.0001) and higher pH (p = 0.0018) than all NTB treatments. The control and NTB+YE had similar water activity, while NTB and NTB+TB had a higher water activity than the control (p = 0.004). Results indicated the quality, yield, and textural attributes of traditionally prepared deli-style turkey breast is difficult to achieve with reduced sodium and natural ingredients and the use of turkey broth and yeast extract has little effect on these attributes.
Keywords: deli turkey, flavor enchancers, reduced sodium