Effect of Feeding Protease at Two Soybean Meal Inclusion Rates for Nursery Pigs
Approximately 1,200 PIC 337 × 1050 pigs (6.80 0.91 kg) were used to evaluate a protease enzyme (CIBENZA DP100, Novus International Inc., St. Charles, MO). This 21d study was carried out as a RCBD (block = weight) with a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of the following treatments: 1) Enzyme inclusion level (0 vs. 0.05%); and 2) SBM inclusion level [Low: 18 and 22% (phases I and II, respectively) vs. High: 25 and 30% (phases I and II, respectively)]. Changes in dietary phases occurred on d 7. There were no treatment effects in phase I for ADG, ADFI, or G:F (P > 0.10). From d 7 to 21, pigs fed low SBM levels grew slower (P < 0.01; 0.410 vs. 0.431 kg/day) and had lower G:F (P < 0.01; 0.720 vs. 0.750) than pigs fed high SBM levels. ADG of pigs not fed the enzyme was lower (P < 0.01; 0. 404 vs. 0.436 kg) and had a lower G:F (P < 0.01; 0. 723 vs. 0.746) compared to pigs fed the enzyme. There was a SBM × enzyme interaction (P < 0.05): Effects of enzyme supplementation were bigger (P < 0.05) in low SBM diets compared to high SBM diets for ADG (High SBM = 0.427 vs. 0.436 kg, vs. Low SBM= 0.381 vs. 0.436 kg, for 0 and 0.05% enzyme, respectively) and G:F (High SBM = 0.746 vs. 0.752, vs. Low SBM= 0.699 vs. 0.741, for 0 and 0.05% enzyme, respectively). At d 21, pigs not receiving the enzyme were lighter (P < 0.001; 13.9 vs. 14.3 kg) than pigs fed the enzyme. Pigs fed low SBM levels were lighter (P < 0.01; 14.0 vs. 14.2 kg) than pigs fed high SBM levels. For the overall period (d 0-21), there was a SBM × enzyme interaction (P < 0.05): Effects of enzyme supplementation were bigger (P < 0.05) in low SBM diets compared to high SBM diets for ADG (High SBM = 0.350 vs. 0.354 kg, vs. Low SBM= 0.318 vs. 0.354 kg, for 0 and 0.05% enzyme, respectively) and G:F (High SBM = 0.787 vs. 0.781, vs. Low SBM= 0.735 vs. 0.775, for 0 and 0.05% enzyme, respectively). Overall, there is a significant response to the enzyme in nursery pigs, although further work is needed to duplicate results and verify that there is no true response when the enzyme is fed in high SBM level diets.
Keywords: enzyme, nursery, pigs