Effects of Herbiotic FS Supplementation in weanling pigs
Effects of Herbiotic FS Supplementation in weanling pigs
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Grand Ballroom - Foyer (Community Choice Credit Union Convention Center)
Abstract Text: This study was conducted to investigate the effects of Herbiotic FS supplementation in weanling pigs. A total of 150 pigs (Landrace×Yorkshire×Duroc) with an average initial body weight of 8.02±0.92 g were assigned to 5 treatments (5 replicate pens/treatment, 6 pigs/pen). The experiment lasted for 6 weeks. The time period for each phase of the feeding trial was initial day, 1 week, 3 week and 6 week of the experimental period. The dietary treatments were as follows: 1) NC (basal diet), 2) PC (NC + 150 ppm apramycin), 3) H1 (NC + 0.025% Herbiotic FS), 4) H2 (NC + 0.05% Herbiotic FS) and 5) H3 (NC + 0.025% Herbiotic FS + 75 ppm apramycin). The Herbiotic FS powder includes Buckwheat (15.00%), Thyme (7.50%), Turmeric (3.75%), Black pepper (1.25%) and Ginger (1.25%). All data were analyzed using a randomized complete block design following GLM procedures of SAS, with each pen being used as the experimental unit. The effects of increasing dietary concentration of supplemental herbiotics were evaluated by polynomial contrasts. The means of the treatments were compared by Tukey’s range test. Orthogonal contrasts were used for the effect of treatments: NC vs. PC. During phase 1, pigs fed PC (basal diet + 150 ppm apramycin), H2 (basal diet + 0.05% Herbiotic FS) and H3 (basal diet + 0.025% Herbiotic FS + 75 ppm apramycin) diets improved ADG [PC=210; H2= 212; H3=219] and G:F ratio [PC=0.793; H2= 0.803; H3= 0.842] (P<0.05) compared with those fed NC (basal diet) and H1(basal diet + 0.025% Herbiotic FS) diets. During phase 2, ADFI increased [PC =775 and H3=772] (P<0.05) when compared to NC pigs. During phase 3 and overall, pigs fed PC, H2 and H3 diets showed higher ADG [PC=632, H2=629, H3=638]. Pigs fed PC and H3 diets increased N digestibility (P<0.05) compared with those fed NC and H1 diets. On day 7, red blood cell concentration in PC, H2 and H3 treatments was higher (P<0.05) than that in NC treatment. Pigs fed Herbiotic FS diets increased lymphocyte (day 42) and IgG (day 21) (P<0.05) compared with those fed NC and PC diets. No effect (P>0.10) was observed among treatments in diarrhea score. The herbiotic FS could be considered as antibiotic alternative in weanling pigs because of its feed intake promotion effect.
Keywords: Herbiotic, Weaning pigs, Growth performance