Source and Age Verified Lots of Beef Calves Sold for a Premium Via Summer Video Auction from 2010 through 2017
Table 1. Least squares mean of sale price ($/100 kg BW)
Source and age verified lots? |
Year |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
2016 |
2017 |
Yes |
257.06a |
309.31a |
350.67a |
355.16a |
541.23a |
525.80a |
312.31a |
344.56a |
No |
253.07b |
305.16b |
346.99b |
352.92b |
533.47b |
516.83b |
307.96b |
339.97b |
Premium |
3.99 |
4.14 |
3.68 |
2.25 |
7.76 |
8.97 |
4.34 |
4.59 |
a,bMeans within a year without a common superscript differ (P < 0.05) |
The smallest premium associated with lots enrolled in a source and age verified program was in 2014, while the greatest premium was in 2015. The average premium from 2010 through 2017 for source and age verified lots was $4.96/100 kg BW. The percent of lots of beef calves enrolled in a source and age verified program peaked at 55.6% in 2011, where as in 2016, only 21.0% of lots were enrolled. In 2017, 27.5% of beef calf lots qualified for a source and age verification program. Recently reopened beef export markets for the United States may increase the premium and percent of lots enrolled in source and age programs in the coming years.