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Effects of α-Galactosidase supplementation on the energy value of soybean meal and growth performance of weanling pigs
Two experiments were conducted to determine effects of supplementing diets with an α-galactosidase enzyme complex on the energy value of soybean meal (SBM), apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of nutrients in corn-SBM diets, and growth performance of weanling pigs. In Exp. 1, 40 barrows (PIC 337 × C24; initial BW 9.9 ± 1.9 kg) were randomly allotted to 5 dietary treatments with 8 pigs per diet. A basal diet consisting of 94.89% corn (as-fed basis) and 4 diets containing 70% of the basal diet and 30% (as-fed basis) SBM supplemented with 0, 100, 200, or 400 mg/kg of an α-1,6-galactosidase enzyme complex were formulated. Pigs were individually housed in metabolism crates that allowed for the total, but separate, collection of urine and fecal materials from each pig. Results indicated that addition of increasing concentrations of α-1,6-galactosidase enzyme complex increased (linear, P < 0.05) DE, and tended (linear, P = 0.09) to increase ME of SBM by approximately 300 kcal/kg (as-fed basis). The enzyme complex also improved (P < 0.05) the ATTD of ash and tended (P < 0.10) to improve the ATTD of DM, hemicellulose, OM, and crude fat. In Exp. 2, 378 pigs (PIC 337 × C24; initial BW 4.5 ± 1.8 kg) were randomly allotted to 1 of 3 dietary treatments with 21 pigs per pen and 6 pen replicates per treatment. The experiment lasted 10 d. Treatments included 2 diets (without or with the enzyme complex) formulated with the assumption that SBM contained 3,344 kcal ME/kg (as-fed basis). The last diet was formulated assuming that the SBM contained 3,644 kcal ME/kg if 100 mg/kg of the enzyme complex was also included in the diet. Inclusion of SBM was 18% in all diets. Results indicated that regardless of the presumed ME in SBM, addition of the enzyme improved (P < 0.05) total BW gain, tended (P = 0.09) to improve ADG, and tended (P = 0.10) to improve caloric efficiency when compared with the diet containing no enzyme. The cost of feed/kg of gain also tended (P = 0.10) to be reduced by addition of the enzyme complex to the diet. In conclusion, the α-1,6-galactosidase enzyme complex used in these experiments improved the energy value of SBM and the ATTD of nutrients, which may result in reduced cost of production per unit of gain.
Keywords: α-galactosidase, soybean meal, weanling pigs