Some abstracts do not have video files because ASAS was denied recording rights.

Livestock water symposium

Thursday, July 21, 2016: 2:00 PM-5:00 PM
Grand Ballroom H (Salt Palace Convention Center)
John J. Wagner
3:15 PM
3:30 PM
Water: The Frequently Neglected Nutrient in Growing and Finishing Diets
John J. Wagner, Colorado State University; Terry E. Engle, Colorado State University
4:00 PM
Simultaneous monitoring of water consumption in eight double pens as a tool for improving welfare and predicting diseases and unwanted behavioral changes in finisher pigs
Katarina Nielsen Dominiak, University of Copenhagen, Department of Large Animal Sciences; Lene Juul Pedersen, Aarhus University, Department of Animal Science Behavior and Stress Biology; Anders R. Kristensen, University of Copenhagen, Department of Large Animal Sciences
4:15 PM
Growth and health performance of dairy calves drinking reverse osmosis water compared to municipal water
Nirosh D. Senevirathne, Dairy Science Department, South Dakota State University; Jill L. Anderson, Dairy Science Department, South Dakota State University; Maristela Rovai, Dairy Science Department, South Dakota State University
4:30 PM
Effect of protein supplementation on low-quality forage utilization and nitrogen balance by lambs drinking saline water
Jose I Arroquy, INTA - CONICET - UNSE; Agustin Lopez, INTA EEA Santiago del Estero; Ana Juarez Sequeira, CONICET-FAyA UNSE
See more of: Livestock Water